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United Kingdom
Hi my name is Sharlie, I will be a Secondary Geography PGCE student at Leicester University in Septemeber and am creating this blog as way of developing my subject knowledge. Up until now I have been a student at Coventry University reading Geography and Natural Hazards. I have always been interested in the environment and love nothing more than donning a pair of walking boots or wellies and exploring. I also love to go to new places and experience different cultures and have been lucky enough to have travelled to many places around the world!

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Cultural Geography

   Culture can be defined as the total way of life that characterises a group of people. There are literally thousands of cultures on Earth today and each contributes to global diversity.  

   Culture consists of several elements that can vary from one culture group to the next, these include: Religion, Language, Architecture, Cuisine, Technology, Music and Dance, Sports, Medicine, Dress, Gender roles, Law, Education, Government, Agriculture, Economy and Sport.

   Cultural communities may also have different ways of; grooming, values, work ethic, etiquette, courtship, recreation and gestures. 

Charles A. Heatwole, Ph.D. Department of Geography, Hunter College Culture: A Geographical Perspective. Found at:  http://www.p12.nysed.gov/ciai/socst/grade3/geograph.html